Ruen Thai (เรือนไทย) is an annual maginzine done by students of Architecture Faculty, Chulalongkorn University. I was selected as the chief editor and also worked as an art director and layout designer of 2018 Ruen Thai magazine. I took care of almost all the process starting from generating idea to directing the final execution.
The name of the magazine changes every year, contributed by the 3rd year student of that year.
All the names will play with the word “Ruen Thai” or a traditional Thai shelter. For 2018 it is decided on the name “Ruenthylenol” (Ruen Thai + Tylenol). Tylenol is a brand of Paracetamol medecine which is well kown as a painkiller. Therefore, this year magazine is under the theme of pain, medical and health. Which in this case ‘pain’ could refer to any type of pain either physical pain or even an abstract pain from heart broken etc., The magazine consist of all stories that can cause headeaches or on the other hand can cure the stresses which is written by students in the faculty showing their funny, artistic and poetic side.